News and Announcements
Sunday 26th January 2025One year later
We kinda blinked and missed 2024 with regards to site updates. But, as always, FuZioN carried on texting regardless:
- Added party results for Decrunch 2024, Edison 2022 and Nova 2024.
- Added Metal-Impact-BBS-LoGO-PacK.ans, fzn-flash-dance-party.txt, R32BBS_Xmas_Logo_Pack.ans and R32-BBS-bABY.ans releases.
Sunday 20th August 2023
Summer demoparty entries and site improvements
Added a new section for FuZioN's part-time job of producing party result files. Also made some minor front-end and back-end improvements to the site.
Our new ANSI releases are: k33pin'-iT-oldskoOL (for Nova 2023) and moto_pow3r (for Evoke 2023).
Sunday 10th April 2023
What we're gonna do right here is go back!
Back to the E Werk for Revision 2023 and another ASCII by FuZioN.
Sunday 5th March 2023
SPAG 2 - "Electric Boogaloo!"
Textual ASCII and ANSI invitations to the second Stamford Peterborough Amiga Group meeting: SPAG 2 - "Electric Boogaloo!"
Saturday 24th December 2022
Jus' demosplashin'
An aquatic ANSI by FuZioN released at the Demosplash party in Pittsburgh, USA.
Sunday 30th October 2022
An ANSI for Europe and an ASCII for South America
FuZioN has been textmode globetrottin' again!
He did a complete GeoMetric VecTor OverLoaD in Germany at Evoke. Then roundhouse-kicked, Da Kung Fu Afro Twins straight into Argentina for Flashparty.
Gets around a bit eh!
Sunday 25th September 2022
A nocturnal South Devon ANSI joint at NOVA 2022
It was dark. It was late. (Very late! Took over a month for me to get this on the site!)
Here is FuZioN's Midnight in Budleigh ANSI entry for the NOVA 2022 party held in August 2022.
Friday 19th August 2022
Getting ANSI at Edison 2022
Not Axl Rose, just ANSI prose! Another ANSI colly by FuZioN for the Edison 2022 data jungle party.
Saturday 16th April 2022
Fresh ANSIs at Revision 2022
Witness a new ANSI colly produced by FuZioN for Revision 2022.
Saturday 29th January 2022
The dual colly site backlog update
A long overdue site update. Added FuZioN's nkx_txt_art_4ever.txt ASCII at Flash Party 2021 and nkx_dline_reunited.ans ANSI at Deadline 2021.
Sunday 4th April 2021
TOGETHER (online) at Revision 2021
Revision 2021. It was that demoparty which got banned from Twitch halfway through the 64KB intro competition!
This time FuZioN mixed up both ANSI and Amiga ASCII styles for his release.
Wednesday 30th December 2020
That weird time between Christmas and New Year!
You know the time.. Christmas has just happened, the New Year is a few days away and you have no clue what the actual day of the week is!
It's also a great time to get the neokortex site updated with our latest releases: the fORNDATA x-MAS ASCII and the NKXmastro 2o2o (our first intro!) which were slung out in quick succession just before Christmas.

Saturday 15th August 2020
Rain at Novoque
Another party.. Another ANSI. FuZioN created b1nary_ra1n. Any references to "The Matrix" are purely coincidental!
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Double trouble at Solskogen 2020
We released a couple of entries at the final Solskogen party. FuZioN created a farewell ANSI and Obvious Disaster went experimental in the logo competition by creating a real-time animated Solskogen logo. It's not a static image but it's not quite a demo. I'm calling it a gfxtro for now!
Sunday 21st June 2020
FuZioN dials into NOVA 20 with an old skool Amiga BBS themed ANSI entry
BBS's eh! They were like the web but slower, and the graphics were blocky.. Hark back to that era with a look at FuZioN's tribute ANSI which won third place in the compo at Nova 2020.
Saturday 2nd May 2020
FuZioN releases ASCII at Revision Online 2020
COVID-19 couldn't stop Revision.. It just moved online! It also provided the opportunity for FuZioN to enter the ASCII competition with a remote entry.. Which he did!
The original version of this ASCII was over 1200 lines in length. Unfortunately, it needed to be trimmed down to 1000 lines to comply with the rules of the competition.
Sunday 15th March 2020
Minor update: Added a font switcher.
When viewing ASCII and ANSI releases on the site you can now change the display font. Available fonts are shown in the Textviewer Font Changer section of the left-hand navigation menu when you are viewing an ASCII or ANSI.
Saturday 26th October 2019
FuZioN goes ANSI at Deadline 2019
Which is great! ..But we didn't know how to make it work "nicely" on the site here. Thankfully, with a bit of head scratching and a lot of help from AnsiLoveJS I think we've solved it!
Thursday 22nd August 2019
FuZioN releases his third ASCII at Evoke 2019
The only member of neokortex who releases anything ( far) has released his third ASCII.
Sunday 14th July 2019
31 seconds and we're gone for auto-sequence start
The new has been launched! Welcome to the initial version of our new site.
Saturday 6th July 2019
FuZioN wins the ASCII Votesheet for Versus #9 competition at the Edison 2019 demoparty
We're really proud to announce that FuZioN has entered an ASCII Votesheet competition.. and won it!
The competition was to design an ASCII votesheet for issue nine of the Amiga (and Android) diskmag Versus produced by Nukleus and Void. Our entry (nkx-versus9-votesheet.txt) was remotely submitted to the competition at the Edison 2019 demoparty held in Stockholm, Sweden. (We should have been there!)
Saturday 22nd June 2019
FuZioN releases an ASCII at the NOVA 19 demoparty
In an unprovoked burst of activity, FuZioN puts the rest of us to shame by actually creating a production and releasing it at a demoparty.
Our initial "born-ascii-tro" (!) N0VA_19.txt was released at the NOVA 19 party hosted in Budleigh Salterton, Devon on the south cost of England.